
A Place you can call HOME

About Us

You are regarded as a one-of-a-kind masterpiece in this home

Dominion Worship Center is an interdenominational church that welcomes people from all walks of life, races, and occupations. Pastor Imoh and Victoria Ben preside, who are seasoned gospel ministers with a heart for God's people and a zeal for destiny recovery and transformation.

At Dominion Worship Center (DWCI), we want God to shape you into a purpose-filled vessel that points all grace and glory back to Him. Our prayer is that His Spirit will fully illuminate you on this path to paradise, through every difficulty and victory. And as He strengthens you to face life's challenges, may you confidently share God's lively hope with others, shining His eternal light on the lost.

Beyond words can express our affection for you. We are happy to provide you with words of revelation and are humbled by your ongoing prayers and support. Let God's kindness uplift you, His love guide you, and His rest renew you!

Our Mission

To raise people who will dominate and take over in every sphere, system and sector through spirituality and excellence.

Our Vision

To make disciples of all nations, reaching the underchurched who will re-establish God's kingdom on earth, Amen.

Daily Prayers

In you will feel divinity, piety, goodness, faith or right beliefs.

Our Belief & Cardinal Point

We believe in the Godhead-The father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe that Godhead the father loves us so much, that He sent Jesus Christ His, to take on flesh so
that He could die for us( the world) from sin. We believe that Jesus died and resurrected and is seated now at the right hand of the father. We believe that we have another comforter, The Holy spirit who lives in every dimension providing guidance, power and gifts. We believe that we are joint-heirs with Jesus to God's inheritance by His word and that we will rule and reign with Him forever. We believe that the Bible is God's word to us. It is authoritative and it's truth is without error.

  • Gathering in worship
  • Gearing for work
  • Gearing for the word
  • Going as a witness
  • Giving to the work
Our Team

Church Pastors

Get In Touch

Feel Free To Contact Us

Our groups are diverse and offer community for different seasons of life. For help finding a group near you. Reach us

Our Location

1750 North Collins Blvd- Richardson. Tx 75081.

Phone Number
Email Address